Monday, January 4, 2010

January 4, 2010

---We watch a lot of movies around here. So it's no surprise that we get quite a few at Christmas. This year I found this IMAX set at Costco (on sale!) and knew we would just love it. I hate to toot my own horn, but I was right. We've already watched 4 or 5 of them and the kids ask every day if we can watch another one. They aren't quite as impressive without the IMAX screen, but they are still pretty amazing and make for a great cold night family activity!---


  1. And I hear you have a great room and big screen for watching movies in. Girls movie night at your place?

  2. Absolutely! I heard Momma Mia was requested, and I just happened to get that one for Christmas too. Let me know what night works for you :-)

  3. Oh we want to get those too! And your screen is pretty close to Imax size. haha!
